Welcome to Pelletier Senior Planning
Retirement Planning Can Help Your Investments.
How? If you want to make your money last as long as you do, we think the first step should be to know your specific risk preferences.
To do this affectively we use a short, interactive tool called the "Color of Money Risk Analysis" this is the first steps to planning your road to retirement.
Watch the video to learn more then click below to get started!
Retirement Planning Can Help Your Investments.
How? If you want to make your money last as long as you do, we think the first step should be a cash flow analysis.
We talk with our clients about how much they need to cover their living expenses in retirement and then consider taxes, inflation rates, and personal spending habits before coming up with what is called a "hurdle rate."
This sets an initial target for investment income that will allow us calculate if there are any glaring gaps between assets needed versus savings available.